Devenez partenaire Five Lives

La prévention comme service

Nos partenaires

Pourquoi collaborer avec Five Lives ?

Renforcez la satisfaction client

L'application Five Lives offre un accompagnement sur-mesure pour répondre aux défis du vieillissement, ajoutant une vraie valeur à vos services et renforçant la satisfaction de vos clients seniors.

Stimulez l’engagement

En encourageant vos clients à prendre en main leur santé, l'application favorise des habitudes plus saines et renforce leur fidélité à votre marque.

Des conseils personnalisés

Grâce aux données de l'app, vous obtenez une vision précise des comportements des plus de 50 ans, vous permettant d’adapter vos produits et vos campagnes marketing de façon plus ciblée.

Renforcez votre image de marque

S’associer à Five Lives positionne votre entreprise comme pionnière dans le domaine de la santé préventive et innovante pour les seniors.

Améliorez votre rentabilité

En aidant vos clients à adopter des habitudes saines, vous réduisez les coûts de santé ainsi que le taux de sinistralité, et améliorez vos résultats financiers.

Why Partner with Five Lives?
Improved profit through lower claim rates:
  • The 50+ group accounts for high claims due to age-related conditions.
  • Five Lives' healthy habits promotion can better manage risks, leading to lower healthcare costs and increased profits.
Enhanced branding as a health-conscious insurer:
  • Partnering with us positions your company as a champion of healthy ageing.
  • Policyholders will perceive your brand as a pioneer in innovative, preventative healthcare solutions.
Leverage data-driven strategies:
  • Five Lives' app data provides insights into user behaviours and preferences.
  • Your company can develop more personalised product and marketing strategies, saving costs through targeted campaigns.
Boost customer satisfaction and retention:
  • The Five Lives app adds significant value beyond basic coverage, offering  personalised health coaching and wellbeing resources.
  • Policyholders can actively engage with their health, improving satisfaction and strengthening customer relationships to increase retention.
How Do Our Pilot Projects Work?
This project aims to establish Five Lives as a cost-effective prevention solution by focusing on  behaviour modification to reduce levels of chronic disease. Digital preventions are often offered to companies, but their impact is unknown. We operate under the well-founded assumption that even modest improvements in lifestyle can significantly reduce healthcare costs for insurers. This approach is grounded in the successful outcomes of landmark studies on lifestyle-based dementia prevention. 
Customised implementation:

We meticulously tailor our pilots to align with insurer goals, audiences and desired outcomes. Our team of experts ensure seamless integration and measurable impact.

Data-driven insights:

We collect, analyse and report data on user engagement, well-being, and ROI before and after to inform decisions and continuous optimisation.

Success metrics of the program (KPIs):
  • Lifestyle behaviour change
  • Chronic disease risk reduction objectively measured through blood testing
  • ROI enhancement for insurers, evidenced by a decrease in long-term healthcare costs via a reduction in claim rates
Collaboration and support:

Our ethos is grounded in true partnership. We provide consistent, ongoing support and guidance to ensure pilot success and drive transformation.

Let’s start
Partnering with Five Lives to launch a pilot project is a unique opportunity to enhance your insurance service, boost your ROI, and prioritise customer health and wellness.

Get in touch with us today to learn more about our innovative pilot projects and how Five Lives can empower your company to thrive in the ever-evolving insurance landscape.

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